Titanium Dioxide Cancer-How Much Titanium Dioxide Do You Add To Soap

How Much Titanium Dioxide Do You Add To Soap

The amount of titanium dioxide you add to soap for coloring purposes can vary depending on the desired opacity and the specific recipe you are using. Titanium dioxide is a common ingredient used to whiten or opacify soap, and it’s important to use it in the right proportion to achieve the desired effect without affecting the soap’s quality or lather.

As a general guideline, you might use the following amounts:

– For a light opacity or a very slight whitening effect: 0.5% to 1% of titanium dioxide by weight of the total oils in your soap recipe.

– For a moderate opacity: 1% to 2% of titanium dioxide by weight of the total oils.

– For a full white soap: 2% to 3% of titanium dioxide by weight of the total oils.

It’s crucial to measure titanium dioxide accurately, as it can be quite a fine powder and can clump if not properly dispersed. To incorporate it into your soap, you should first mix it with a small amount of your soap base (oils or melted soap) to ensure it is evenly dispersed before adding it to the main batch.

Keep in mind that these percentages are starting points, and you may need to adjust the amount based on your specific recipe and the type of soap you are making (cold process, hot process, melt and pour, etc.). Additionally, the use of titanium dioxide in soap making should comply with any local regulations regarding cosmetic ingredients. Always conduct a small test batch before making a large batch to ensure you achieve the desired result.